Copyright 2007 of kid you not aka. ramzijamal.
All rights reserved.

Monday 9 April 2007

Album Review: OK Computer by Radiohead

These are the kind of entries that I am going to make, that is, doing a review on selected albums. At the same time, sharing a point or two on what makes or breakes an album. these days do not even know whether the album that they recently bought would truly justify the $20 that they had painstakingly saved up!

Yes, this album has been around since the early 90s and reviewing it would be as if I have been living under a rock all along. As a matter of fact, when I first listened to this album, I wished that I was born much earlier because when Radiohead came into the the alternative-experimental rock scene with this album, my baby brain was not yet capable of comprehending the depth and intricacies of the band and their music.

Kids, this is deep stuff. Upon first listen, it might catch you off guard with its queer but orderly music arrangement. However, after subsequent plays, the music will sink into your musical tastebuds and forever anchor itself there. After achieving such a revelation, the music from other alternative rock bands will seem rather bland in substance.

This band writes and tackles issues in a totally different perspective. They are not your lovey dovey band who constantly cries out "Why did you leave me?!" and "I am gonna swim a thousand miles just for you!" In this album, they tackle issues such as loneliness through wishing that they were instead abducted by aliens and fear through hammering in you disturbing and eerie psychological ideas of what it means to have 'mental company'.

Tracks like 'Paranoid Android' lets you visualize what it's like to have multiple images in your head at the same time while 'Let Down' facilitates one of your 'off' days at work. A track entitled 'Exit Music (For a Film)' is a tribute to William Shakesphere's Romeo & Juliet where love is described as something that is ultimately and conclusively tragic and cruel.

Music which complements their lyrics as well as creating an ambience that suits the theme of the song makes this album a must have for any music lover. This album exist as single entity which makes the whole album worth the listen every time.

So kids, stop listening to those ads on tv. Cut down on those Macdonalds lunch trips and start taking those Brands health supplements because this album is going to take awhile for you to digest. It's time to grow up kids and see what it's really like to face the music.

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