Copyright 2007 of kid you not aka. ramzijamal.
All rights reserved.

Tuesday 3 July 2007

the guy that works at the record store...episode 10 (Last Episode and Final Season)

As he woke up....he felt rather excited to go to work. But little did he know, that such excitement was not shared by his peers. He was excited because this was his last day at the record store - working at least. But his peers did not bother about that fact, let alone want to know the reason why. He was excited because he thought he would receive a farewell gift. But such expectations were too unrealistic. So, instead, he was excited about receiving a decent goodbye. A word of mouth. But he did not receive it. He received nothing.

On that particular day, his name did not even appear on the work schedule. He was confused. Checked. But did not get an accurate answer. He wanted to turn back and leave. Head for the comforts of home. But he felt compelled to stay. To indulge himself in music. To get to know new releases. To get lost in between the sound waves of loneliness. To have this first hand experience one last time. So, he decided to work, knowing really well how the day at work will go by, knowing how the day at work will end and knowing that his peers will not really take notice. After all, he is an asset. An expandable asset. An asset that has been expanded, he suspected, as he encountered new faces.

He stared at the new faces. They stared back and gave a polite smile. He smiled back. They were much more friendly than the faces he had already knew since last year. He puts on his dusty t-shirt. Swiped in. And went through the heavy door that separates peace and chaos. Once again, he was thrown into a world filled with fickle mindedness, filled with stubborn and headstrong people, filled with people who made him miserable and filled with people who blamed him if they could not or did not get what they want. Once again, he was just there.

And so he took up his position behind the counter. He began his day like any other day. Like the rest of his patriotic peers...

Customer: 101011110101010 11010111010101110 1101001

Record Guy: jfgksbvlhvepvihje;,nv;,jeovjk;vnfvn

Customer: 1101000101110 110111?

Record Guy: hbvchkdf-----djbsjkbcmndc++++=2433jbckdjccdj

Customer: Really?

Record Guy: That's right.

Customer: 1011110 1101011101010100111 011101011110 11101011

Record Guy: gdftfldfjkvvmdvovdldc,dol;ddl ljsdkfdndkcnd1021254dsjbsdlssvljkvvd.

Customer: 1110111 1110110000101111 0111011!!!!!!

Record Guy: fadkngisbfsklj 1010140101014254114050214251 ******** jabaljdj

Customer: Never mind.

Record Guy: I'm sorry and good luck.

The day was filled with bleeps and bloops. With twangs and tooks. Click and clangs. And swish and swoops. He was just there...

Customer: 1010001110101110101000110101 0100101011110101010

Record Guy: sgdsbdksfffj sldjsnuiioeopenfkj

Customer: 101110101 1000 HMV?

Record Guy: HMV gbfdfdfnm,kjdsjdsdjfdkdmcl

Customer: 11011 0111? 11101110 110000111100111011?!

Record Guy: I don't think so.

Customer: 1101000 000101 1110101010111 111101010000 10011001

Record Guy: fabvdsjdhsklcghccusnksscmi sksjdocmscgcls jsdsndo

Customer: I don't believe you.

Record Guy: It's OK.

He was exhausted. Suddenly, he realised something. He realised that the record store had already given him a gift. Even though a price was tagged to it, he had considerable discounts when purchasing them. This gift was priceless to him and he would not mind paying a bomb after discovering something he truly believed in. The record store constantly supplied him with the gift. The record store provided him with the advantageous link for his fix. The gift spoke to him in every way. The gift was in the form of music. And it was in the form of a band...And it kept him company there. Supplying him oxygen and patience...And then everything there made sense....

Customer: 10101110101011 0100101110 101001001 010101 Radiohead?

Record Guy: gjakbckjbccdm nk nljdjbdcn kdnckdjkmdkml Radiohead are my idols!

Customer: 1010011110111 010100101110 110101 Are they good?

Record Guy: sgvdskdbksh They are the best! You should try it!

Customer: Let me have a listen to it.

Record Guy: Sure!

Customer:......................................................I'll take it.

Record Guy: Excellent!

So the time passed. And his shift was nearing the end....until...

Customer: Excuse me. Do you sell the record store's t-shirt?

Record Guy: I'm sorry?

Customer: I mean the t-shirt you are wearing. Do you sell it? I want to buy it.

Record Guy: 101101010101100 100101010111 0101010 shdbakbskcbsccbckbcyuepjnxhzgh 101110 110101011011001 ahagjsbcccsjusn

Customer: Thank you.

And then it was over. Just like that. He is never going to work there again. He turned the key to his locker and locked it....he left some messages and then he was gone....

Record Guy: Yeah, like I was ever there in the first place.


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