Copyright 2007 of kid you not aka. ramzijamal.
All rights reserved.

Friday 15 June 2007

Check Out This Article from the The RJ Occasional !


- Reported by Riconstin Jaksten

M.R Productions, a subsidiary and an entertainment arm of kid you not Pte Ltd, has issued an apology at a private conference held at R.M Hotel to a handful of audiences for making an error on their latest reality comedy cult series entitled 'The Guy that works at The Record Store'. The error was in the form of an announcement stating that the series was the '..second last episode of Season 1...' However, M.R Productions corrected and clarified the above statement to be the '...second last episode of the Final Season...' instead. This news came as a rude shock and exploded into cries of outrage from audiences worldwide.

Mr Rico Josty, spokesperson for M.R Productions, was there to offer the company's apologies and he was in attendance together with the Director and Producer of the series, Ms Milanger Ricop. Ms Milanger explained that the series had to come to an end after season one '...because of low viewership ratings, availability of plots and agreement constraints with the cast of the show...' But the company has future plans for the lead, or notoriously known as 'the record guy' in that series.

'The record guy' has apparently signed a two year contract for a new reality comedy series entitled 'That Guy in the Army'. The series is naturally and obviously about life in the army. It is also produced and directed by Ms Milanger. Ms Milanger however did not give further details on the new cast or the number of episodes and seasons the series will possibly entail. But it was announced that the first episode and season of the said series will premier probably around 27 July or later this year.

Another welcoming news for 'the record guy', and probably his fans, is that he will be playing the lead role in the murder-mystery-suspense-thriller movie called 'The Story of Mr Donny Dill'. 'He is a very flexible and versatile actor. I met him personally and I am more than impressed with his attitude and methodology in acting. It's been a blast having him on set and working with him has been a professional bliss.' And so it was said by Mr M. Ric Jillerfer, an Award winning director for 'Two Hills' and 'The Pigs of Society'. 'He was perfect for the lead role and I think his dark humour and his harsh and witty personality also won him the hearts of many female fans!' laughed Mr Ric. When I asked 'the record guy' how he felt when he chosen for the part, he smiled and said 'I'm happy and I'll just stuff and f*** myself with oily food if I mess this opportunity!' The film is said to be released in the form of small scenes that will be accessible on the company's official kid you not website and it's official release date will be on 1 July 2007.

In addition, so as not to disappoint fans of 'The Record Guy that Works at the Record Store' , M.R Productions will invest $16.5 million (or approximately around 15 hours per week) in the excavation of '...ancient episodes...'. Part of that amount, around $8.6 million, was granted by the Ministry of MRJ Blog Creativity to finance this project seen as '...a potential search for a pure and raw art form...' Every find, whenever found, will be released on the company's official website as well. The episodes will thus be periodical and occasional.

Despite despairing news and dismal response, it is once again a bright and giggly future for the fans of 'the record guy'.

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